Biomimicry for Personal Development and Growth

” I have studied many philosophers and many cats. The wisdom of cats is infinitely superior”
– Hippolyte Taine
✔ Do you feel unsatisfied with your life and the direction it is heading?
✔ Are you passionate about bout personal growth and do you like pushing yourself to reach your highest potential?
✔ Are you a coach that is looking for innovative tools to challenge your clients?
The CATS COACHING CARDS are an innovative tool that helps to understand yourself, unfolding your potential and getting the most out of your life.
It is a way to begin a journey of personal growth and development that is the first step towards a better and brighter future.
Self-development is an ongoing and transformational process in which improvements are made in your physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, social, and/or financial state since you trigger a self-empowerment process.
A deck of 32 coaching cards – each representing one of the cats’ physical or behavioral core skills – with powerful coaching questions that trigger and enhance a self-empowerment process.
They blend the practice of Biomimicry, which is the imitation of Nature’s genius strategies, with Coaching, leading to self-awareness and inner change.
These cards stimulate the transition from “learning about cats” to “learning from cats” because the lessons we can draw from them tap into a new philosophy that brings beauty, well-being, and fullness, improving the relationship towards ourselves and others.
Relax with a cup of hot tea and discover your strengths, weaknesses, things you like to do, and what you need to let in and to let out to achieve your goals.