About US
Diana Tedoldi & Silvia Mirandola
Hello, and welcome in this website, a space where we co-create innovative resources to enable the organic development of people, teams and companies.
We’re spreading our love and knowledge of nature in the companies where we work, reconnecting leaders, innovators, change-makers and managers with the deep sources of innovation and creativity, that we can only find in Nature.

Silvia Mirandola
Biologist, PhD, scientist and trainer of corporate teams, I’ve been working for many years so far as a manager in the Medical Affairs of Multinational Pharma-companies where I acquired skills of teamwork, leadership and career development.
I am an Associate Certified Coach member of the International Coaching Federation (ACC-ICF) and Team-Coach.
I have experience in team management, change-management, the enhancement of the human potential, self-empowerment and talent development.

My learning-journey is based in systems-thinking and innovation, cross-functionality, interprofessional collaboration, Biomimicry and creative approaches to personal development based on human and Jungian psycology (SoulCollage®).
I am the creator of WeBiomimic© for Team Effectiveness, a coaching game based on the principles of Biomimicry, to create a more inclusive and collaborative workplace, thus improving team effectiveness.
I firmly believe that business teams are the pillars of organizations; investing in their potential is the best way to ensure companies’ evolution and survival in a continuously changing world.
Diana Tedoldi
I’m a leadership and teamwork development specialist, working in the corporate environment since the year 2000, formerly as a manager in the Organisation and HR field, and then as a freelance professional.
I’m a Professional Certified Coach member of the International Coach Federation (PCC-ICF), and an expert facilitator of personal and professional growth.
I have been working with over 25.000 people in over 1.500 experiences so far, integrating my experience in the HR management field, with my passion for music, nature, creativity.
I’m also the founder of The Nature Coaching Academy, where I teach coaches how to do sessions in connection with nature.
Read more about me in my website www.dianatedoldi.com

about DIANA
With a Master degree in Philosophy (with a concentration in Ethno-Anthropology and symbolic studies), I also hold a post-graduate degree in Plant Intelligence applied to social innovation (with Prof. Stefano Mancuso, University of Florence, world-renowned plant neurobiologist).
I have decades of experience as a facilitator of organizational change processes, leadership development and team developer at numerous International and Italian companies.
Today I integrate the latest research in the field of neuroscience, anthropology, ecopsychology and ethology into everything I do.
My deep intent is to contribute to the growth of people and organizations developing personal and team awareness, listening, adaptation and evolution in an ever changing, complex and uncertain world.
We want to contribute to healing the culture of disconnection that has brought us to an unprecedented ecological, social and spiritual crisis.
There can be no well-being for people on a sick planet, and today it’s the business world that has the greatest impact on our planet’s health.
This is why we want to impact the mindset, heartset and willset of leaders and the change-makers: we want them to make a difference in how we work – and live.
We have experienced and witnessed across our entire career how the workplace often becomes a toxic environment that deprives people of vitality, joy, entrepreneurship, teamwork spirit and engagement. Such a workplace is what prevents any organization from becoming successful.
By supporting individuals, teams and organizations in the process of reclaiming our natural connections, we want to support the emergence of a new way to doing business, where people, planet and profit go hand in hand, for the greater good of all.

welcome @ biomimicryforbusiness.com
+39 393 757 3058